
ALT-C 2007

Page history last edited by Chris Hall 15 years ago

ALT-C 2007


Page for notes thoughts, comments etc etc on ALT-C 2007

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The keynotes session were recorded and are available though Elluminate


Michelle Selinger - CISCO

You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps

Dylan Williams - Institute of Education


Assessment, learning and technology: prospects at the periphery of control


Peter Norvig - Google

Learning in an open world


ALT-C Blogs

Various interesting reflections on the conference

ALT-C Blogs



Lis: A thought having read Haydn's blog post on the "LT for the social network generation" theme - one of the main messages coming out of that was 'people need to take small steps' yet in the other theme group I was in, people were saying that radical change was required. Clearly both are needed at different times, perhaps radical change is only likely with a change of senior management.


I couldn't really say this on my blog but the learning spaces theme summary was a bit gloom and doom in places. I'd be interested in any news from the international strand. Was the view optimistic?


Chris H: I found ALT-C 2006 to be a massively inspiring event, which ultimately led to the start of the Learning Lab, a number of project bids and greater collaboration on e-learning within some areas of the University. So, how did ALT-C 2007 match up?

Bit of a curate’s egg actually. Some good discussions, interesting sessions and some of the most boring presentations I’ve even seen. I did come to one overwhelming conclusion with a few colleagues but more of that later.



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