Reference Material
A space for any reference materials that you have found useful and that others can share - journals, blogs, wikis, websites......
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The Encylopedia of Educational Technology - does what it says on the tin.
TechDis - advice on technology and disability issues.
elearning papers - new European digital publication, in 19 languages.
CogDogBlog - a blog about Instructional Technology
Stephen's Web- A resource website with access to his aggregating blog containing e-learning issues. Stephen is interested in the pedagogy of ‘connectedness’and networks
Connectivism A blog by George Siemens on a ‘new learning theory for the connected age’ connectivism
u-learnspace a blog about knowledge, learning and technology - The Podcast Directory
E learning – What is elearning 2.0?
E learning – Elearning 2.0 by Stephen Downes.
E learning – Elearning 2.0, Whatever that is by David Jennings.
Jisc Case Studies – useful examples of e-learning in action.
Guide: Using Blogs in Economics – An introduction to Blogs by an economist.
Using Quizes – a selection of case studies on using quizzes in teaching and learning.
Educational Videos – a list of sites that host on-line educational video presentations.
Free Educational Materials – a list of free-to-use educational materials.
2007 Bb Europe Conference – Wiki about the 2007 Blackboard Europe conference.
101 Teaching Resources – the “best teaching resources”.
OUseful Info – Tony Hirst of the Open University explores the potential of Web 2.0 techniques and applications in higher and distance education, informal and lifelong learning.
Enterprise 2.0 - An interesting slideshow about using Web 2.0 in the corporate world.
Digital Stories - An introduction to and resources about Digital Storytelling
Visualising the Parthenon – Photographic record of the Parthenon (from David Gill, Swansea University). Part of a larger project on the Art and Archaeology of Attica.
50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story - Alan Levine's work showcasing how a story can be told using different Web 2.0 tools - a toolbox of patterns & anti-patterns and a guide to the stages of wiki adoption
MERLOT - a collection of online teaching and learning materials by subject area.
Classroom 2.0 - A social network for educators.
EduSpaces - "world's first and largest social networking site dedicated to education and educational technology."
Onramp - an ongoing series of blog posts from an educational technologist on social media for educators. Resources include a wiki and a set of delicious bookmarks.
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