
What is e-learning

Page history last edited by Jen Calipari 13 years, 9 months ago

What is e-learning?

Uses for e-learning

E-learning tools

Turning Traditional Learning into e-Learning




There are a variety of definitions of what e-learning is but it is basically


 “the use of electronic technology to support, enhance or deliver learning”


(e-learning Strategy for Wales)


What e-learning isn’t – Popular Misconceptions

When e-learning is mentioned there are number of misconceptions that are often bandied about. Some come from the anti-camp, those who are wary of the idea, and some come from the pro-camp, the most guilty here are generally those trying to sell you the latest e-learning ‘solution’.  Such misconceptions include ideas that e-learning -



  • fundamentally changes the way you teach.
  • requires a great number of new skills to be mastered.
  • means that normal teaching methods will become redundant.
  • will dramatically reduce your workload.
  • will dramatically increase your workload
  • will magically transform your students into independent learners
  • saves money
  • offers nothing new
  • is for techies only
  • is simple to implement
  • is difficult to implement
  • is loved by all students
  • is hated by all students
  • will replace traditional forms of teaching


One key concept of e-learning that often gets missed is that it is about learning and not technology, with some e-learning being more a technology looking for a use rather than having any real educational value. And what is technology anyway? Is it “just what’s been invented in your lifetime” or it is “the stuff that doesn’t work properly yet”?


In reality, as noted e-learning expert Gilly Salmon says, e-learning “has almost nothing to do with computers and everything to do with time, motivation, knowledge…. as well as good, appropriate teaching.”  E-learning is just another selection of tools in the teaching toolkit. Its success or otherwise depends on how those tools are used. New Nokia PhonesHow their use is planned, implemented and evaluated.


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